Shaun’s Story
When Shaun came to AccessCNY, he was in a difficult place. He had been homeless for nearly 30 years and (understandably) was hesitant to trust people. But when Shaun ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, he decided to take a chance on trusting a therapist… and that decision changed his life.
With the therapist’s help, Shaun moved into AccessCNY’s Court Street residence, where he had his own room and staff available to help him pursue his personal goals. Initially, this situation was uncomfortable for Shaun. He would get up in the morning and set about the same routine that he had when homeless.
But with time and support from staff, Shaun eventually came to grips with the fact that he had a home, a cooked meal every night and a safe place to sleep and keep his belongings. Now Shaun has his own apartment, has learned to cook and has a wide circle of friends!

Tori, Katie & Shannon’s Story
Struggling with feelings of loneliness, Community Habilitation participants Tori, Shannon and Katie made a commitment to meet virtually (via AccessCNY’s telehealth system) three times a week during 2021. Each time the women met, they attempted to cook or bake a new recipe together. It started with simple lunch options, but expanded as their confidence grew. Recipe choices eventually expanded to include, desserts, soups and even homemade bread!
On their cooking journey, Tori, Shannon and Katie had to overcome many struggles: inexperience, lack of self-confidence, physical barriers, difficulties with fractions and focusing and time management. But these shared struggles helped the women to bond… As their cooking skills grew, so did their friendship and encouragement for each other.
With the support of their friends, AccessCNY staff and community partners like you:
- Katie, who never cooked at home before joining the group, learned to enjoy spending time in the kitchen with her friends.
- Tori, who was hesitant about using the stovetop, oven and knives, now cooks meals independently and even does the dishes after.
- Shannon, who has struggled with time management and fractions, has grown in her confidence about using both.
Make a donation today & get Tori, Katie and Shannon’s favorite clam chowder recipe as a thank you!
A Party for Xavier
AccessCNY participant Xavier said that he wanted to have a Pride themed birthday party and the staff he works with definitely understood the assignment!
In addition to inviting friends and staff over for a party (in accordance with COVID safety guidelines at the time), AccessCNY staff arranged for the decorations, food and cake to all be rainbow themed. Guests even dressed for the rainbow colored theme!