Before he retired, Marvin Reed worked as a Rehabilitation Counselor for 33 years. It was during this time that he was asked to help Onondaga County improve disability services. Working with the County, Marvin helped make Day Habilitation and Community Habilitation popular programs.
Two years after he retired from State service, Marvin was asked to join the board of AccessCNY legacy agency Enable. According to Marvin, serving on the board helps him lead a happy healthy life. As he says “Having something important to do and being able to do it with people you like is the key to long life and good health.”
Q&A with Marvin
Q: Who is someone you admire and why do you admire them?
A: “I think there are heroes all around us. No one is perfect but we all do good things and some do so with great effectiveness and charm. John Mulroy, former County Executive comes to mind. He was a farm kid used to long, hard work. He was practical but forward thinking. He was good with people and got them to move forward towards distant goals. He made the best of his mistakes. He surrounded himself with good people and wasn’t afraid of people smarter than he.”